About Us
• UniTech incorporated according to the Egyptian laws in 2007.
It is one of the most important wholesale distribution of information technology
and data network products.
• UniTech committed to develop and maintain the success of its
intellectual human capital resources and stakeholders whether internal company
or outside the company, as well as, stakeholders in EMEA region.
• UniTech established a good trademark in the market through
providing the highest quality and the best price with the best service after
• We have more than 10 years of experience in the fields of importing and
distributing data communication & Networking Components and full solutions. We
represent one of the international brands in the world as the Main Agency basis
in Egypt; Osilan and a reseller of some of the largest brands such as Panduit,
Legrand, Estap, Rittal, E-Lande, D-link, Premium-line, Cisco systems, Emirson,
Superior-tech and more.

Our Vision

- UNITECH is committed to build long-term
relationships based on integrity, performance, value & client
We are strongly committed to remain a positive contributor to the IT community, employees and partners. We seek to achieve leadership within EMEA region.
Our Mission

- To make sure that our partners & stakeholders receive what they need
to run facilitating their business operations as well as possible,
with maximum efficiency and reliability, so we establish environment
of innovative business solutions that aim to fulfill clients’ needs,
build long-term partnerships with different stakeholders; while
applying ethical business-wise practices and maximizing exploitation
of the interest of investment.
Our Service

- UNITECH has long experience in the study, design
and execution of technical and financial studies for telecom
networks infrastructure.
Our expertise spans from IT networks (LAN/MAN/WAN) to full scale of telecom trunk and access networks. Contemporary technology aspects are included in our technical portfolio to meet diverse communication needs (Fiber Optics, Copper, Wireless, CWDM, DWDM, 10G etc.) in cost efficient ways.
Why Choose Us
Unitech has more than 15 years of experience
in the field of infrastructure of IT networking. We have team of
We executed mega projects in banking sector, industry
sector, and governmental sector and so on.
We provide high quality
products of EU brands; the best brands in the Egyptian market to our
We can provide service after sale, testing and guarantee.